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13 publications

Name Date Type Actions

Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares making of the share capital

Voting rights

2008 calendar of financial communication


Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares making of the share capital

Voting rights

Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares making of the share capital

Voting rights

Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares making of the share capital.

Voting rights

Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares making of the share capital.

Voting rights

Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares making of the share capital.

Voting rights

Bilan semestriel des moyens alloués au contrat de liquidité (2007) - french

Au 30 juin 2007

Liquidity contract

Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares making of the share capital.

Voting rights

Etats financiers consolidés au 31 décembre 2006 (french)

Annual Report