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21 publications

Name Date Type Actions

Matthieu Frechin named Managing Director of Vétoquinol

December 14, 2009 (Lure, France) – The Board of Directors of Vétoquinol, at its December 10
meeting, has named Matthieu Frechin Managing Director of the Vétoquinol Group, replacing
Etienne Frechin. He will be seconded by Dominique Henryon, Deputy General Manager.
Etienne Frechin will give up all operating functions but will continue to serve as Chairman of
Vétoquinol’s Board of Directors.

Public releases

Strong growth in Revenues in the 3rd quarter

Vétoquinol recorded strong growth in the 3rd quarter of 2009, despite an unfavourable exchange rate effect. The strength in sales was due to a combination of the contribution of acquisitions in Italy and India and sustained organic growth.

Public releases

Assemblée générale mixte. Exercice 2008 (french)

Ordre du jour
<br>- Faits marquants et stratégie 2008
<br>- Comptes consolidés
<br>- Rapport du président du conseil d’administration sur les procédures de contrôle interne
<br>- Rapports des commissaires aux comptes
<br>- Perspectives 2009
<br>- Questions diverses
<br>- Vote des résolutions

Shareholders´s Meeting

Procès-verbal des délibérations de l'assemblée générale mixte du 12 mai 2009 (french)

Les actionnaires de la Société Vétoquinol SA, société anonyme au capital de 28.225.830 Euros, se sont réunis en Assemblée Générale Mixte, au siège social, 34 rue du Chêne Ste Anne à Magny-Vernois 70200 Lure, sur convocation du Conseil d'Administration, adressée le 20 avril 2009 à chaque actionnaire.

Shareholders´s Meeting

Rapport financier semestriel 2009 (french)

Le chiffre d’affaires de Vétoquinol pour le 1er semestre 2009 s’établit à 119,9 M€, en croissance de 2,7% par rapport au premier semestre de l’exercice précédent.

Annual Report

Vétoquinol: H1 2009 interim earnings

Annual Report

Vétoquinol posts resilient results in the first half of 2009 and continues to pursue its international growth

The Board of Directors of Vétoquinol, meeting on August 27, reviewed the group’s business and approved the group’s interim 2009 financial statements.

Public releases

Vétoquinol completes the acquisition of Wockhardt Animal Health in India

August 20, 2009 (Lure, France) – Vétoquinol today announced the completion of its acquisition of the animal health business division of Wockhardt Limited, based in Mumbaï, India. This acquisition was the subject of an agreement signed with the Wockhardt Limited group on June 26.

Public releases

Growth in Revenues in the first half of 2009

Vétoquinol’s revenues in the first half of 2009 totalled EUR 119.9 million, an increase of 2.7% compared to the first half of the preceding year.

Public releases

Vétoquinol enters the indian market

June 29, 2009 (Lure, France) – Vétoquinol today announced the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of the Animal Health Division of Wockhardt Limited, based in Mumbaï, India.

Public releases