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15 publications

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Departure of Pierre Konareff

April 14, 2010 (Lure, France) – The Vétoquinol Group today announces the departure of Pierre
Konareff, Group Director of Finance and Legal Affairs, because of differences concerning his
position in the Group. Pierre Konareff joined Vétoquinol in July 2008.

Public releases

2009 annual earnings

March 31, 2010 – (Lure, France) – Vétoquinol’s Board of Directors, meeting on March 11, 2010, reviewed the Group’s business and approved its 2009 financial statements.

Public releases

Redemption of tranche A bonds

February 26, 2010 (Lure, France) - Following the decision of Soparfin (family holding Etienne Frechin) not to convert the tranche A convertible bonds when they reach maturity on February 27, 2010, Vétoquinol has redeemed the bonds.

Public releases

Strong growth in 2009 Revenues: +7.6%

January 20, 2010 (Lure, France) - Vétoquinol recorded strong sales growth in 2009, despite an unfavourable exchange rate effect. The strength in sales is explained to a large extent by the contribution of acquisitions in Italy and India and by the resumption of organic growth, which held firm in the second half of 2009 despite the continuing weakness in the general economy. Revenues increased in all therapeutic classes and all geographic regions.

Public releases

VÉTOQUINOL and JANSSEN ANIMAL HEALTH finalize an agreement for the exclusive distribution of SUROLAN® in the United States

January 14, 2010 (Lure, France) – As part of its strategy of expanding its sales in the American market, Vétoquinol is pleased to announce an agreement with Janssen Animal Health to distribute Surolan® in the United States, following its approval by the FDA in December 2009. Surolan® is a leading example of Vétoquinol’s strategic focus on anti-infective agents and its success in this area. Surolan® has an excellent reputation in Europe, where it has been a great success.

Public releases