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880 publications

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Vétoquinol is eligible for new PEA-PME funds

Vétoquinol confirms that it qualifies for the PEA-PME investment product in accordance with Decree
n°. 2014-283 on 4 March 2014 reflecting the application of Article 70 of 2014 finance law (n°. 2013-
1278 dated 29 December 2013) which set the conditions of companies’ eligibility for the PEA-PME

Public releases

Vetoquinol is moving forward with the acquisition of Profender® and Drontal® and related pipeline assets following communication from the European commission

June 9th, 2020 (Lure, France) - The European Commission (EC) has approved, under the EU merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of Bayer’s Animal Health Division by Elanco Animal Health.

Public releases

Vetoquinol launches its employer brand

The veterinary pharmaceutical company Vetoquinol launches its employer brand. For 83 years, Vetoquinol has been building its future, drawing on relationships of trust with its partners, the development of every employee, and its long-held belief of continuous improvement. Following on from its corporate brand, the company is now positioning itself as a high-quality employer.

Public releases

VETOQUINOL launches UPCARD©, an innovative drug for congestive heart failure in dogs

Vétoquinol continues the deployment of its reference products with the European launch of UPCARD©, an innovative drug designed to treat congestive heart failure in dogs.

Public releases

Vétoquinol markets CEFTIOCYL® and KEFLORIL® two new injectable antibiotics for livestock

Lure, December 15, 2010 – In line with recent announcements, Vétoquinol is
launching Ceftiocyl® and Kefloril®, two new injectable antibiotics for livestock.
The products are being brought to market by the Group and its subsidiaries in
both domestic and export markets.

Public releases

Vétoquinol posts resilient results in the first half of 2009 and continues to pursue its international growth

The Board of Directors of Vétoquinol, meeting on August 27, reviewed the group’s business and approved the group’s interim 2009 financial statements.

Public releases

Vetoquinol publishes its half-yearly financial report relative to fiscal year 2018

Vetoquinol publishes its half-yearly financial report relative to fiscal year 2018

Public releases

Vetoquinol publishes its registration document and its annual financial report relative to fiscal year 2009 (french version)

The registration document of Vétoquinol relative to fiscal year 2009, including the annual financial report relative to fiscal year 2009, was registered with the Autorité des marchés financiers (“the AMF”) on April 22th, 2010.

Public releases

Vetoquinol publishes its registration document and its annual financial report relative to fiscal year 2010 (french version)

The registration document of Vétoquinol relative to fiscal year 2010, including the annual financial report relative to fiscal year 2010, was registered with the Autorité des marchés financiers (“the AMF”) on April 18th, 2011.

Public releases

Vetoquinol publishes its registration document and its annual financial report relative to fiscal year 2011 (french version)

The registration document of Vétoquinol relative to fiscal year 2011, including the annual financial report relative to fiscal year 2011, was registered with the Autorité des marchés financiers (“the AMF”) on April 20th, 2012.

Public releases